# 2005.10.27修改
WinWidth = 800
WinHeight = 700
#baseURL =
#Host =
#Port = 7673
#Packed = 1
# Main command window fonts
foType = Arial
foSize = 14
# Tell window fonts
tell_foType = Arial
tell_foSize = 14
# Channel window fonts
chan_foType = Arial
chan_foSize = 14
# 如果有填Name跟Password, 當你啟動BSW就可以自動login
# 如果想要換成手動的... 請在Name跟Password前加上 "#"
Name = My_name
Password = My_Password
MenuBar = on
Time = on
CollectChat = on
bgCol = CCCCAA
tell_bgCol = AACCCC
chan_bgCol = CCAACC
# Start up room = 當你login的時候 你會在那一間房間出現
Room = C124
# Language = 目前只有德文跟英文, 所以 en 是英語
Nation = en
MenuFile-Manager-M = */manager
# Nick的地方是要換名字, 名字可以任意改
# 可是要換回自己login的名字才可以換房間
Menu匿名-正常 = */name
Menu匿名-離開 = */name I_Am_Away
Menu匿名-工作中 = */name I_Am_Working
Menu匿名-休閒當中 = */name I_Am_Having_A_Break
Menu匿名-小等一會 = */name I_Will_Be_Right_Back
Menu匿名-遠離鍵盤中 = */name I_Am_Away_From_Keyboard
Menu匿名-睡覺中 = */name I_Am_Sleeping
Menu匿名-呼叫我 = */name I_Am_Lagging_Ping_Me
# 呼叫是可以找人來玩遊戲
# 用此功能會在"Game Partner"出現 讓別人來找你玩
Menu呼叫-Attika = */gameyell Attika
Menu呼叫-SanJuan= */gameyell SanJuan
Menu呼叫-PaP= */gameyell 2er PaP
Menu指令-CT有誰在線上 = */wwho ChinaTown
Menu指令-周圍有誰 = */gwho
Menu指令-查誰在那 = +/whereis
Menu指令-誰在這 = */who
Menu指令-玩家資料 = +/info
Menu指令-線上好友 = */friendsonline
Menu指令-關閉CT頻道 = */mutectell on
Menu指令-開啟CT頻道 = */mutectell off
Menu指令-關閉密談視窗 = */twindow off
Menu指令-開啟密談視窗 = */twindow on
Menu指令-增加觀察名單 = +/add watch
Menu指令-儲存觀察名單 = */save watch
Menu遊戲指令-加入-J = */join
Menu遊戲指令-開始-S = */start
Menu遊戲指令-接受-A = */accept
Menu遊戲指令-不接受-F = */refuse
Menu遊戲指令-移開 = +/remove
Menu遊戲指令-重設定-R = */reset
Menu遊戲指令-准許看牌 = */allowpeek yes
Menu遊戲指令-不准許看牌 = */allowpeek no
Menu遊戲指令-重新開始 = */masterreset
Menu遊戲指令-亂數座位 = */option drawseat
Menu遊戲指令-設定玩家順序 = +/option start
Menu遊戲指令-時間設定 = +/option time
Menu城市遊戲房-1到4人-Einfach_Genial = */game C124-68
Menu城市遊戲房-1到4人-Sankt_Petersburg-第一間 = */game C124-10
Menu城市遊戲房-1到4人-Sankt_Petersburg-第二間 = */game C124-24
Menu城市遊戲房-1到4人-Sankt_Petersburg-第三間 = */game C124-51
Menu城市遊戲房-2人-Halali = */game C124-57
Menu城市遊戲房-2人-Lost_Cities = */game C124-18
Menu城市遊戲房-2人-Street_Soccer = */game C124-20
Menu城市遊戲房-2人-Yinsh = */game C124-8
Menu城市遊戲房-4人-Tichu = */game C124-17
Menu城市遊戲房-2到4人-Attika = */game C124-6
Menu城市遊戲房-2到4人-Cafe_International = */game C124-49
Menu城市遊戲房-2到4人-Manhattan = */game C124-84
Menu城市遊戲房-2到4人-Packeis_Am_Pol = */game C124-43
Menu城市遊戲房-2到4人-San_Juan-第一間 = */game C124-0
Menu城市遊戲房-2到4人-San_Juan-第二間 = */game C124-35
Menu城市遊戲房-2到5人-Can't_Stop = */game C124-46
Menu城市遊戲房-2到5人-Cartagena = */game C124-30
Menu城市遊戲房-2到5人-Carcassonne = */game C124-1
Menu城市遊戲房-2到6人-Bluff = */game C124-64
Menu城市遊戲房-2到6人-Funkenschlag_|_Power_Grid = */game C124-11
Menu城市遊戲房-2到6人-Trans_America = */game C124-23
Menu城市遊戲房-2到6人-Verflixxt = */game C124-66
Menu城市遊戲房-2到8人-Citadels_|_Ohne_Furcht_Und_Adel = */game C124-33
Menu城市遊戲房-2到8人-6_nimmt_|_Take_6 = */game C124-3
Menu城市遊戲房-3到4人-Die_Siedler_von_Catan_|_Settler_of_Catan = */game C124-14
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-Emerald = */game C124-26
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-Fursten_Von_Florence_|_Prince_of_Florence = */game C124-13
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-King_Lui = */game C124-22
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-Niagara = */game C124-54
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-Puerto_Rico -第一間 = */game C124-7
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-Puerto_Rico -第二間 = */game C124-53
Menu城市遊戲房-3到5人-Ra = */game C124-21
Menu城市遊戲房-3到6人-Alles_Im_Eimer = */game C124-32
Menu城市遊戲房-4到8人-Diamant = */game C124-15
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Chaos = */room C10-297
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Darts = */room C10-141
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Dislodge = */room C10-183-2
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Five_Dice = */room C124-83
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Mah_Jongg = */room C10-90
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Mogel_Pat = */room C10-183-3
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Pac_Man = */room C68-23
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Rotactical = */room C31-69
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Solch_Strolche = */room C38-68
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Solitair = */room C32-66
Menu城市遊戲房-單人遊戲-Sologammon = */room C10-183-1
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Can't_Stop = */game C168-9
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Carcassonne = */game C168-19
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Diamant = */game C168-20
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Prince_of_Florence = */game C168-7
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Puerto_Rico = */game C168-1
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-San_Juan = */game C168-17
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Sankt_Petersburg = */game C168-10
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Settler_of_Catan = */game C168-12
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Tichu = */game C168-18
Menu聯盟遊戲房-獅子山-Trans_America = */game C168-2
Menu密談-密談 = +/tell
Menu密談-密談給krieg = +/tell krieg
Menu密談-密談給oktryit = +/tell oktryit
Menu密談-密談給HCA = +/tell HCA
Menu密談-密談到ChinaTown = +/ctell
Menu密談-密談到chinese = +/gtell chinese
Menu跟隨-跟隨 = +/hook
Menu跟隨-跟隨Meir = */ghook Meir
Menu跟隨-跟隨Tannya = */ghook Tannya
Menu跟隨-跟隨HCA = */ghook HCA
Menu跟隨-跟隨oktryit = */ghook oktryit
Menu跟隨-跟隨Kevinlee = */ghook Kevinlee
Menu跟隨-跟隨wuming = */ghook wuming
Menu跟隨-跟隨krieg = */ghook krieg
Menu跟隨-跟隨harjan = */ghook harjan
Menu跟隨-跟隨puyo = */ghook puyo
Menu跟隨-跟隨salagadoola = */ghook salagadoola
Menu跳躍-華人街 = */room C124
Menu跳躍-BSW遊戲管理員 = */game 19
Menu跳躍-華人街遊戲管理員 = */manager chi
Menu跳躍-織布廠 = */room C124-27
Menu跳躍-打鐵廠 = */room C124-28
Menu跳躍-市場 = */game 0
Menu德文-不好意思,我不會德文 = *Sry, Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
Menu德文-要加入嗎? = *lust auf spiel?
Menu德文-會英文嗎? = *Sprechen Sie Englisch?
Menu德文-好運&愉快 = *viel Glk und viel spass
Menu德文-玩的好呀 = *sehr gut getan
Menu德文-幹的好! = *Gut gemacht!
Menu德文-再見 = *Auf Wiedersehen
Menu德文-晚安 = *Gute Nacht
Menu德文-再一次? = *Sie wieder spielen?
Menu德文-謝謝陪我玩 = *Danke furs spielen
WinWidth = 810
WinHeight = 720
#baseURL =
#Host =
#Port = 7673
#Packed = 1
# Main command window fonts
foType = Arial
foSize = 14
# Tell window fonts
tell_foType = Arial
tell_foSize = 14
# Channel window fonts
chan_foType = Arial
chan_foSize = 14
# ------------------------------------------------
# Login info
# ------------------------------------------------
#Name =
#Password =
#CityBanner = West
MenuBar = on
Time = on
OpenTools = on
AutoSave = on
# CollectChat keeps (collects) your different chat and channel screens in one
# window. Many people don't like it, many people much prefer it. Try it once
# and if you do not like it, place a # in front of the line below to comment it out.
CollectChat = on
# This allows you to hear a sound whenever someone in an open
# tell window types something to you. Very useful.
TellSound = on
# This automatically saves all of your settings each time you shut down the client.
AutoSave = on
# This changes your main window background color to beige.
bgCol = CCCCAA
# This changes your /tell window color to teal.
tell_bgCol = AACCCC
# This changes your channel window color to purple.
chan_bgCol = CCAACC
# This sets your function keys to your most-used commands and messages.
# Edit to whatever suits you. Note that * in front of / executes the command
# immediately. + in front of / (as in +/away) puts the info in the space where
# you type so you can add parameters (for instance +/away I am afk)
FKey1 = */join
FKey2 = *good luck, have fun!
FKey3 = */accept
FKey4 = +/away
FKey5 = */start
FKey6 = *grats
FKey8 =
FKey9 =
ShiftFKey1 =
ShiftFKey2 =
ShiftFKey9 =
# Start up room
Room = C124-6
# Language
Nation = en
MenuFile-Manager-M = */manager
MenuNick-Normal = */name
MenuNick-Away = */name Meir@Away
MenuNick-Work = */name Meir@Working
MenuNick-HavingABreak = */name Meir@Having_A_Break
MenuNick-brb = */name Meir@BrB
MenuNick-afk = */name Meir@Away_From_Keyboard
MenuNick-sleep = */name Meir@Sleeping
MenuNick-PingMe = */name Meir@Lagging_Ping_Me
MenuYell-Caylus= */gameyell Caylus
MenuYell-Attika = */gameyell 2er Attika
MenuYell-SanJuan= */gameyell 2er SanJuan
MenuYell-PaP= */gameyell 2er PaP
MenuCommands-CTPeopleOnline = */wwho ChinaTown
MenuCommands-gwho = */gwho
MenuCommands-whereis = +/whereis
MenuCommands-who = */who
MenuCommands-info = +/info
MenuCommands-friends = */friendsonline
MenuCommands-message = +/tell messenger !message
MenuCommands-CityChatOff = */mutectell on
MenuCommands-CityChatOn = */mutectell off
MenuCommands-Chinese = +/gtell Chinese
MenuCommands-TellWindowsOff = */twindow off
MenuCommands-TellWindowsOn = */twindow on
MenuCommands-AddWatch = +/add watch
MenuCommands-SaveWatch = */save watch
MenuCommand-Reset-R = */reset
MenuCommand-MasterReset-M = */masterreset
MenuCommand-Join-J = */join
MenuCommand-Start-S = */start
MenuCommand-Accept-A = */accept
MenuCommand-AllowPeek-P = */allowpeek yes
MenuCommand-DIS_AllowPeek-P = */allowpeek no
MenuGame_Rooms-Attika = */game C124-6
MenuGame_Rooms-Bluff = */game C124-64
MenuGame_Rooms-San_Juan_1 = */game C124-0
MenuGame_Rooms-San_Juan_2 = */game C124-35
MenuGame_Rooms-Caylus_1 = */game C124-42
MenuGame_Rooms-Caylus_2 = */game C124-88
MenuGame_Rooms-Packeis_Am_Pol = */game C124-43
MenuGame_Rooms1-Alles_Im_Eimer = */game C124-32
MenuGame_Rooms1-Cafe_International = */game C124-49
MenuGame_Rooms1-Can't_Stop = */game C124-46
MenuGame_Rooms1-Carcassonne = */game C124-1
MenuGame_Rooms1-Cartagena = */game C124-30
MenuGame_Rooms1-Citadels_|_Ohne_Furcht_Und_Adel = */game C124-33
MenuGame_Rooms1-Diamant = */game C124-15
MenuGame_Rooms1-Einfach_Genial = */game C124-68
MenuGame_Rooms1-Emerald = */game C124-26
MenuGame_Rooms1-Funkenschlag_|_Power_Grid = */game C124-11
MenuGame_Rooms1-Fursten_Von_Florence_|_Prince_of_Florence = */game C124-13
MenuGame_Rooms1-Halali = */game C124-57
MenuGame_Rooms1-Heckmeck = */game C124-94
MenuGame_Rooms1-King_Lui = */game C124-22
MenuGame_Rooms1-Lost_Cities = */game C124-18
MenuGame_Rooms2-Niagara = */game C124-54
MenuGame_Rooms2-6_nimmt_|_Take_6 = */game C124-3
MenuGame_Rooms2-Puerto_Rico_1 = */game C124-7
MenuGame_Rooms2-Puerto_Rico_2 = */game C124-53
MenuGame_Rooms2-Ra = */game C124-21
MenuGame_Rooms2-Sankt_Petersburg_1 = */game C124-10
MenuGame_Rooms2-Sankt_Petersburg_2 = */game C124-24
MenuGame_Rooms2-Sankt_Petersburg_3 = */game C124-51
MenuGame_Rooms2-Die_Siedler_von_Catan_|_Settler_of_Catan = */game C124-14
MenuGame_Rooms2-Street_Soccer = */game C124-20
MenuGame_Rooms2-Tichu = */game C124-17
MenuGame_Rooms2-Trans_America = */game C124-23
MenuGame_Rooms2-Verflixxt = */game C124-66
MenuGame_Rooms2-Yinsh = */game C124-8
MenuGame_Rooms3-FiveDice = */room C124-83
MenuGame_Rooms3-MahJangg = */room C124-95
MenuHook-Hook = +/hook
MenuHook-Hook_Meir = */ghook Meir
MenuHook-Hook_Tannya = */ghook Tannya
MenuHook-Hook_HCA = */ghook HCA
MenuHook-Hook_oktryit = */ghook oktryit
MenuHook-Hook_Kevinlee = */ghook Kevinlee
MenuHook-Hook_wuming = */ghook wuming
MenuHook-Hook_krieg = */ghook krieg
MenuHook-Hook_harjan = */ghook harjan
MenuHook-Hook_puyo = */ghook puyo
MenuHook-Hook_salagadoola = */ghook salagadoola
MenuJump-ChinaTown = */room C124
MenuJump-BSWGameManager = */game 19
MenuJump-ChinaTownGameManager = */manager chi
MenuJump-Mill = */room C124-27
MenuJump-Forge = */room C124-28
MenuJump-Market = */game 0
# This is helpful when playing with Germans. They generally appreciate
# you trying to speak some German, though many of them speak English.
MenuGerman-IDontSpeakGerman. = *Sry, Ich spreche kein Deutsch.
MenuGerman-Wanna = *lust auf spiel?
MenuGerman-English = *Sprechen Sie Englisch?
MenuGerman-GL&HF = *viel Glk und viel spass
MenuGerman-Wellplayed = *sehr gut getan
MenuGerman-WellDone! = *Gut gemacht!
MenuGerman-goodbye = *Auf Wiedersehen
MenuGerman-goodnight = *Gute Nacht
MenuGerman-PlayAgain? = *Sie wieder spielen?
MenuGerman-ThanksforGaming = *Danke furs spielen